We are proud after seven years, and an extensive update to release the new edition of our best selling title on Anatomy & Botulinum toxin injections. Key features: for each muscle, starting with profile, origin, connections, followed by action and innervation, and concluding with topographic illustrations, this user friendly format builds on your understanding of injectable facial anatomy. Side-by-side images with explanatory text and anatomical drawings with concise labelling and expanded descriptive captions makes this book an ideal study companion that highlights and explain key concepts.
Dr Patrick Trevidic presents the new edition and extensive update of our best-selling title: Anatomy & Botulinum toxin injections.
We are proud after seven years, and an extensive update to release the new edition of our best selling title on Anatomy & Botulinum toxin injections. Key features: for each muscle, starting with profile, origin, connections, followed by action and innervation, and concluding with topographic illustrations, this user friendly format builds on your understanding of injectable facial anatomy. Side-by-side images with explanatory text and anatomical drawings with concise labelling and expanded descriptive captions makes this book an ideal study companion that highlights and explain key concepts.
For this very special second edition we are honoured and proud to introduce an entire chapter devoted to the botulinum toxin molecular aspects, formulations, and pharmacodynamics, plus potential future developments. Professor Bernard Poulain, Research Director at the National Centre for Scientific Research at the Institute of Cellular and Integrative Neurobiology summarises what is currently known about the botulinum toxin that will help practitioners to use it with the most practical and safest methods. At the end of this extensive chapter, Annexe 1 and Annexe 2 will help you apply the highly scientific content into real-life practice.
Special attention is paid to 3D muscles such as the corrugator supercilii, procerus, levator labii superioris alaeque nasi, depressor anguli oris, mentalis with an in depth origin and a superficial skin insertion. This will help you insert the inferior and superior injections points in the most appropriate plane. The importance of understanding regional muscular balance cannot be overemphasized. New and future injectors will appreciate descriptions of the upper face internal and external muscular balances in the textbook and 3D animations in the DVD that clearly demonstrate the antagonist and synergist muscle activities. It is important to correlate the number of injected units to the volume of the treated muscle to obtain an optimal aesthetic result. For example, do you know that volume of the platysma is 5 times bigger than that of the corrugator?
In this edition, you will find information on three new muscles that are equally important to understand and consider when deciding on a treatment strategy. For example, the botulinum toxin treatment of the nasalis muscle decreases the dilated aspect of the nostril, whereas treating the depressor septi nasi enhances the nasal tip projection and improves the relationship between the nasal tip and the upper lip. The anatomical keys relating to the masseter muscle will help you when treating our Asian patients who frequently seek an aesthetic alteration of hypertrophic masseter to reduce a prominent mandibular angle.
As patients do not come in our offices with an anatomical map on full view, our main goal is to make our anatomical descriptions useful in a real-life practice. For this reason, we have introduced an “Exquisite Trio”, incorporating the anatomical view on a cadaver, paired with a drawing of the muscle, and finally the clinical case. This triple demonstration will facilitate a clinical approach when analysing our patients.
Patrick Trevidic, MD
In order to get the best results possible while minimizing any undesirable after effects, the physician must have a keen knowledge not only of anatomy, but also the dynamic of all muscles in play.
Our expansive experience in cadaver dissection allowed us to create a book in which a surgical approach to the anatomy of facial muscles is combined with an analytical evaluation of the effects on expression wrinkles, produced as a result of muscle contraction. In order for the reader to get the most out of this book, we chose an atlas-like format, one which gave us the possibility to insert full page image accompanied by concise, easy to follow descriptions of the relevant muscles.
Our aim is to take the readers on a journey, starting from an anatomical base, then on to an aesthetic analysis of the targeted areas, and finally reaching the injection sites on their appropriate techniques.
The contents are clear, comprehensive and easy to use. Each chapter is dedicated to detailing one given muscle: the full muscle profile, progressive dissections showing the targeted muscle, connections with the more important anatomical structure of the region, the correlation with its external clinical elements on the skin which allow us to better find the origin and injection points, the innervation, and the motor endplates localization, and finally the injection techniques and doses. The enclosed DVD allows the reader to see the reconstruction of the head and its facial muscles in 3D and the full dissection on cadavers of the targeted muscles with the injection points clearly indicated. My hope is that experienced surgeons and young colleagues alike will appreciate and value this book. I also hope that like me they will find that serious, detailed studies about facial anatomy as well as understanding of facial muscles dynamics will aid in improving their techniques.
Fabio M Ingallina, MD